Friday, July 26, 2024

Leaders should understand that everything has value, it's about knowing how to utilize it effectively.


Leaders should understand that everything has value, it's about knowing how to utilize it effectively. - MVN Shastry

#Leader #Leadership #CEO #founders #founder #Startup #Startups #value #entrepreneurship #Entrepreneur

Monday, July 22, 2024

Effective leadership requires not only acquiring the right skills but also fostering an environment of encouragement.


Effective leadership requires not only acquiring the right skills but also fostering an environment of encouragement. - MVN Shastry

#leader #Leadership #CEO #founders #founder #startup #startups #skills #talent #support  #entrepreneurship #LeadershipMatters  #entrepreneur

Friday, July 19, 2024

A competency crisis arises when leaders lack innovative thinking and fail to invest in nurturing internal talent through mentorship and strategic development.


A competency crisis arises when leaders lack innovative thinking and fail to invest in nurturing internal talent through mentorship and strategic development. - MVN Shastry

#leader #leadership #CEO #founders #founder #startup #startups #Entrepreneurship  #entrepreneur

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Wise leaders harness existing knowledge and historical lessons to save time, energy, and resources.

Wise leaders harness existing knowledge and historical lessons to save time, energy, and resources. - MVN Shastry

#knowledge #History #Time #energy #resources #Leader #leadership #CEO #founder #founders #Startup #startups #entrepreneurship #entrepreneur

Friday, July 12, 2024

Leaders must base their decisions on facts rather than trust.

 Leaders must base their decisions on facts rather than trust. - MVN Shastry 

#leader #leadership #decision #decisions #facts #trust #CEO #founders #founder #startup #startups #entrepreneurship #entrepreneur

Friday, July 5, 2024

A true leader overcomes personal shortcomings through self-improvement, without depending on others or leaving it to chance.

A true leader overcomes personal shortcomings through self-improvement, without depending on others or leaving it to chance. - @MVNShastry

#Leadership #founders #founder #Startups #startup #CEO #leaders  #employee #MVNS  #Entrepreneurship #leaning #selfgrowth 
#LeadershipMatters #LearningJourney #Selfdevelopment #growthmindset 

Saturday, June 29, 2024

When leaders exploit their power, it silences the dedicated and efficient employees, turning them into passive onlookers.


When leaders exploit their power, it silences the dedicated and efficient employees, turning them into passive onlookers. - MVN Shastry

#leadership #leadersreaction #MVNS 
#founders #founder #startups
#startup #ceo #power #leaders #employee #entrepreneurship #leadershipmatters

Friday, June 14, 2024

An educated person without culture is as dangerous to an organization as their knowledge allows them to be.


An educated person without culture is as dangerous to an organization as their knowledge allows them to be.  MVN Shastry 

#MVNS #MVNShastry
#entrepreneurs #entrepreneurship #CEO #founder #founders #startup #startups #culture #causes

Monday, June 10, 2024

Entrepreneurs need to be mindful: the speed of time can drive us to act, but outcomes are not always favorable.


Entrepreneurs need to be mindful: the speed of time can drive us to act, but outcomes are not always favorable. - MVN Shastry 

#mvns #entrepreneurs #entrepreneurship #ceo #founder #founders #startup #startups #speed #caution #mindful