Saturday, June 29, 2024

When leaders exploit their power, it silences the dedicated and efficient employees, turning them into passive onlookers.


When leaders exploit their power, it silences the dedicated and efficient employees, turning them into passive onlookers. - MVN Shastry

#leadership #leadersreaction #MVNS 
#founders #founder #startups
#startup #ceo #power #leaders #employee #entrepreneurship #leadershipmatters

Friday, June 14, 2024

An educated person without culture is as dangerous to an organization as their knowledge allows them to be.


An educated person without culture is as dangerous to an organization as their knowledge allows them to be.  MVN Shastry 

#MVNS #MVNShastry
#entrepreneurs #entrepreneurship #CEO #founder #founders #startup #startups #culture #causes

Monday, June 10, 2024

Entrepreneurs need to be mindful: the speed of time can drive us to act, but outcomes are not always favorable.


Entrepreneurs need to be mindful: the speed of time can drive us to act, but outcomes are not always favorable. - MVN Shastry 

#mvns #entrepreneurs #entrepreneurship #ceo #founder #founders #startup #startups #speed #caution #mindful