Tuesday, March 2, 2010

I Trust In GOD!

Wow what a wonderful year this has been so far! Too Fast and Too Good, till now. I all I need to do was “Dare To Dream” and it simply works out. Beauty is everything working out to “MY Satisfaction”… I can’t believe myself that I am an “Entrepreneur” now. Thank You God! For staying with me and driving me for my best.

We (Suryanarayana & I) started a Partnership Company by name “AIM Group” and @ AIM our prime motto is to “Build Relations” as the verticals we have chosen are mostly people centric, hence the slogan “We Build Relations” tagged, company got official registered on 09 Feb 2010. Under the banner of “AIM Group” we wish to expand or run/manage following verticals, which would also help us to maintain precise financial accounts:

AIM Developers & Builders
AIM Distributors
AIM Educational Institutions
AIM Enterprises
AIM Farming & Development
AIM Financial Services
AIM Imports & Exports

I know many of you feel above is unrealistic! As even we felt so initially, however we could convince ourselves saying “Every Drop Makes The Ocean” and we went ahead…. if it’s not in 5-7 years then maybe 7-12 years ;-).
Yet again with great support from my close people (family & friends) we could successfully start the first vertical “AIM Financial Services”… looking forward for more from them. BTW I have decided to be known as “Pandit” in the role what I will be playing in “AIM Group”, since I don’t wish to take advantage of current stage of profile or fame WHICH IS NOT MINE. Somehow I am very fondof this word Pandit… let me see where this drives me too. (hopefully to good!)

Suryanarayana. K – formally known as “Suri Babu” in my circle… we stood-by each other in every thin & thick situations almost from last 15 years.

I Thank You To All Our Well Wishers.

- Shastry MVN

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is owesome Shastry. will speak more about AIM in our next meet... goodluck and wish all the success. :)